Welcome to St Luke’s Primary School!


Everyone at St Luke’s works hard to make this school a happy and welcoming place to be.


Our school staff create a positive learning environment, where your child will be encouraged to participate in the life of the school and achieve the very best they can! Our school motto ‘We Believe! We Achieve!’ encompasses all that we do in our school to support all of our pupils and families.


By your child coming to St Luke's, you become part of our St Luke's family. We will keep you updated through emails, regular newsletters, our Twitter feed (@stlukeps1) and through our use of Seesaw.


We foster strong partnerships with parents, families, professionals and our local parish, St Luke and St Anne's. We are here to support you and your child and we look forward to working with you and your child in the near future.


Kind regards,


Louise McGuire


Mrs Louise McGuire

Head Teacher